Clearly, my New Year's Resolution needs to be to blog more!
Hi scrappy buddies! I know it's been a long time!
2010 was a wild ride - I found my dream job, as a designer/instructor at Anthologies, my LSS. That job kept me so busy that I had no time to scrap for myself, much less time to blog about what I was scrapping! Sadly, however, Anthologies is gone. The store closed and with it my dream job is gone. Although I hate this turn of events, I am anxious to get back to scrapping for myself (and blogging what I scrap) and I'm excited for what the future holds.
Becca Turner, my fellow Anthologies designer, and I are teaming up to continue teaching and bringing you more exciting projects! Please visit our blog to sign up for our newsletter and watch for news of upcoming events.
I'm off to buy myself some new image editing software, then I promise to create, photograph and blog for all of 2011!
More to come soon...